My name is Sirirakku. I was born in Thailand. Now I am twenty-one years old. After I graduated from high school, I come to Japan.
In my free time, I usually read a book. Actually, I’m very interested in many kinds of books. My favorite book is Harry Potter, which talk about the adventures of a little wizard named Harry. As you know, it is very popular all over the world and I am one of its fans. Other things I love to do in my free time are playing sports such as badminton, tennis, and Aikido, and searching websites on the Internet. Besides, I enjoy drawing. I think that it is very relaxing to draw pictures you are interested in. It’s kind of using the time in useful way.

In class, I try to concentrate in all subjects I study, but it seems that I seldom enjoy studying Math. Not because it is too hard or too difficult for me to study, but I much prefer some other subjects. The subject that I most enjoy studying is Biology because I am so curious to learn about how organs work. I’m so interested in learning about body functions. I also enjoy studying English too. I have a great time in the class. I think that English is very important nowadays because it is the universal language. Now I am studying in Japan, therefore I have to learn Japanese too. In order to improve my Japanese skills, I’ve been seeing a lot of movies, especially soundtrack versions to improve my listening and speaking skills. Plus, I try to speak with a lot of Japanese friends.
The persons who I admire the most are my parents. They are my role model. They are such patient and hard-working people. They taught me about life and responsibility. Even though my family is not rich, my parents try so hard to give me the best education. When my study is really tough, I think about how hard my parents work to earn money to support me. Then I more concentrate more on studying.
I hope to have a secure career which can support my family because I am the only child. I think that it is my responsibility to take good care of my parents in turn when they are old. I am determined to do whatever I can to be a qualified person in my career.
In five two from now, when I am twenty-three years old I think that I will be working in the scientific medical field in Thailand of course and may start to think about continuing higher education to gain more knowledge.

I think that it is hard to learn both Japanese and English. But I cheer up you.